Adding the Hessian to ivplm.
Fixing bug with the LR test in "hetprob()"
New urls in Description.
New methods for effect.
Improved documentation.
AIC and BIC for different classes are dropped. We just need "logLik()".
Changing the behavior of set.seed as a good practice.
Fixing bug with mtable.
Add hetprob function to estimate heterokedastic binary models.
Add ivplm function to estimatate instrumental variables probit model by Maximum Likelihood.
Fix minor bug in the model.frame.rFormula
function with new update of plm.
Slightly improved documentation.
Fixing errors and warnings
Including CITATION
fixed minor bug in the model.frame.rFormula
function when the id variable is specified using pdata.frame
the package not longer includes a vignette. The documentation can be dowloaded at
fix some notes regarding to the AIC and BIC methods
statistic in summary
is now labeled as z-value instead of t-value
, cor.Rchoice
and se.cov.Rchoice
functions are now deprecated. All these functions are now available in the generic function vcov
slightly improved documentation
panel data or longitudinal data is now allow
added the function se.cov.Rchoice
to compute the standard error of the variance-covariance matrix of random parameters
more flexibility to model hirarchical variables. The argument mvar
can be used to choose which variables enter in the mean of the random parameters.
added the Johnson's Sb function for random parameters.
added the rFormula
and related functions
initial values for standard deviation of random parameters are set to 0.1. Previously was 0. The argument init.ran
can be used to set the initial values. For example init.ran = 0
will set all the initial values for the standard deviation paramters at 0
slightly improved documentation